Sunday, May 30, 2010

Peaches & Cream Jello

I discovered this blog long time ago and I loved's amazing the things that this lady does with jello!!! so the other day I was at (guess where...:) D.I, and I found the same mold she used for this recipe! I tried...a little tricky to make and not as pretty as hers, ( see the pictures), but yummy....


  1. Que bien se te da esto de la repostería!!

  2. ow! Looks good, I love the colors, I'm sure it was a hit!

  3. How fun! I am dying to see your headboard! :0) I have been searching for a king size headboard at the d.i. forever- I finally decided to make a headboard out of fabric, wood, batting, and foam - once we move it is my first project! (with jon's help :0) at the friend bbq you should make this again! yummy.

  4. Es una pasada....ojala supiera ingles para poder hacerlo!!! haces cosas chulisimas, me encanta!!
