In Spain, we usually walk to the closest super market to do our groceries, and we use these kind of hand carts that you leave close to the cashiers to take your groceries it!
These are my fav. kind of doughnuts...note how the name of the product is "donuts", spelled exactly how you pronounce it in English...funny..
I love how in Spain you van find tons of very affordable and good olive oil everywhere....
I love how the milk that you buy it's not refrigerated, and we buy it in tetra bricks...
to buy meat, fish, and other kind of produce, you pick a number and wait until they call it...note: check those yummy jamones (pig legs) hanging in there...delicious!
chocolate aisle: my fav.....Nocilla is the best spreadable chocolate ever!!!
cola cao!!!!!!!!!!!....the best chocolate mix...
petit suisses...we used to eat them a lot when we were little!
chorizo, salchichon, lomo....yum...
all kind of cheeses....
empanada!....I love the tuna kind....
...and chuches, or candy...I love grocery shopping in Spain..