many empty walls has a house?....So many!...So I'm going crazy, trying to find the perfect artwork, or pictures, or shelves, or furniture to put on them... so this picture is part of a project that I'm working on, and that I hope is cute when finished!!!...
Also this week, besides the normal, we are getting ready for my sister Elisa's and her family arrival... For those that don't know, she is married and has the most perfect and cute 4 kids ever, and after living in Georgia for many years, my brother in law Jared got a job as a teacher at BYU so they are also moving to Utah!!!!!... I'm so excited!...everything worked out perfectly, and I can't believe that I'm going to be living so close to my sisters!!!...Finally we are all together!...we have been dreaming about this moment, and then, out of the blue, things worked out for Eli and I so we could finally come back to yep... very exciting...( at least for us:)
Again, sorry for the lack of blogging....I myself get bored by just looking at my blog...., but still no internet at
Pero cuantas paredes blancas y aburridas tiene una casa??!!!! un montón!!!!! estoy como loca intentando cubrirlas con fotos, cuadros, estanterias, muebles.... esta foto que he "posteao" es parte de un proyecto para una pared enorme que me estoy currando... si todo sale bien, debería quedar chulo...ya veremos.... Esta semana estamos Ama y yo histéricas, porque dentro de poco, mi otra hermana Eli llega a Utah!!!!...para aquellos que no la conozcan, Eli tiene 4 niños preciosos, y despues de vivir un monton de años en Georgia, se mudan tambien a Utah, porque a su marido le han contratado en BYU como profesor...asi que estamos como locas!..Por fin las 3 hermanas vamos a vivir juntas!!!
Por lo demas, todo bien, todavía sin Internet en casa, asi que yo misma me aburro de ver mi blog tan deprimente...en fin...